Nyheder / News

Newsletter May 2nd

Dear taekwondo family.
You are reading our newsletter with a lot of information about the official summer camp in Ry. We are so looking forward to it!

Registration info
We are approaching the last registration for food. This will be Thursday, May 30th, 2024.
We are approaching the first 100 participants – of which there are several from the Netherlands and Luxembourg who have signed up. It is always fun to have several nationalities at camp. We naturally believe that there will be many more registrations yet. Who wouldn’t like to have a good workout, lots of fun, meet friends from near and far, swim in Knudsø and enjoy beautiful Ry?
Again this year, there will be a student discount of DKK 375 if you buy food + camp every day. More info to follow.

Training info
We are proud of the good trainers we have made agreements with, and we are working hard to have a framework plan for training ready for Sunday 5 May.
As something new, we have 1,800 mats, so there will be mats in all halls. It will still be possible to train on a wooden floor.
There will also be offers for yoga, and the spring hall will be open for 2 hours every day.
We are working on making a mini-meeting at the camp with different disciplines in addition to fighting and technique. More info to follow.
There will be Master’s training as well as an extra training session per day for athletes aged +35.

Arrival info
We are really looking forward to seeing you, but as football school will be held before the Taekwondo Camp, we prefer that people come from Saturday morning. It will be possible to come from Friday at 16:00, but we must make you aware that the cafeteria will not be open on Friday evening.
First training
There will be joint training on Saturday at 3 p.m
The first normal practice will be on Sunday morning at 09.00

We are working on creating a collection solution at Ry Station and possibly at Billund Airport on Friday and Saturday. Please let me know if you would be interested in it.

Get discovered for your talent
At this summer camp, you can be spotted for your talent. It is the case that the Technical National Team will use the camp to look for talent, and both Axion and UC kamp will use the camp to recruit new people. So it’s just about participating in the camp and show off your amazing skills.

Don’t you have a communal tent?
It gives a lot to the community with a shared tent for the club. If you don’t have one, you can order one at www.sfudlejning.dk Email: info@stautrup-fest-udlejning.dk Phone: (+45) 86280112

Pop-up stands
As something new, there will be pop-up stands with various information. Agreements have currently been made with:

  • After school BGI Akademiet, which has a martial arts line
  • Bosei High School
  • UC Fighting
  • DTaF’s Tournament Committee / Referee Committee
  • DTaF’s Broad Chairman

Register now at www-taekwondo-summercamp.dk
We are so looking forward to seeing you.

Taekwondo clubs Risskov, Århus, Skovby-Galten and Aarhus Syd.